Monday, February 4, 2008

How Vacuum Cleaners Work

Although it may be very complicatedmachine, actuallymade conventional vacuum cleaner is composed of six main components: a reception port, the port of exhaust gas, electric ventilator, porous bag, and housing, which keeps all the other components.

When you plug the vacuum cleaner outlet andturn it the following happens:

1. First of all, the electric current willoperate engine, which is attached to a ventilator, which resembles an aircraft propeller.

2. As the blades begin to turn, they will force air upward in the direction of the port of release.

3. When particles in the air due to forward, the density of particles will grow in frontof fan, and thus lowering it.

The pressure drop is happening behind the fan is like a drop in pressure when you take drinkthrough straws. The pressure level in areathat is behind the fan will fall below pressurelevel that is not part of a vacuum cleaner. This will create suction on the territory of vacuumcleaner. Ambient air will seek thevacuum clean itself through the port reception theair because pressure, which is in a vacuum cleaneris much lower than the pressure outside.

The selection of polluting activities

The flow of air, creating a vacuum justlike water flow. In the air particles that movewill rub against any loose dust or debris and ifit is fairly light, friction thematerial will be held inside the vacuum cleaner.

In the mud was still in the exhaust port, itwill through the net bag. They holesin tiny vacuum cleaner bag large enough to letthe air passes through, but too small for thedust particles in the light path. Therefore, whenthe gets in the current air bag in the mud anddebris there will be collected. You can pick up a bag anywhere on the road between consumption and exhaust pipes port justas then, as the air passes through the current.


Authorities in the suction vacuum cleaner will dependon several factors. In strongeror intake may be less depending on:

1. Fan power - In order to establish astrong intake, the engine needs to turn to goodspeed. 2. Passage through the air - When many debrisbuilds in the bag, the air will face resistance greaterlevel out. Each particleof air will be moving slowly because of an increase in resistance. This is why a vacuum cleanerworks much better after you replace the bag, than when you are already using it for a while.

3. Size reception port - With thespeed time in a vacuum fan constant, the amountof air, which passes through the vacuum cleaner persecond also constant.

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